The Criminal Law Department covers all the criminal offenses contemplated in our Criminal Code and we have extensive professional experience in defending the interests of natural and legal persons, highlighting in particular cases related to foreigners charged in judicial proceedings.
Our team combines the demands of an increasingly complex and international environment, with a very close relationship with the client to offer them the most appropriate procedural strategy.
Currently, we are putting special emphasis on the defense of the interests of our clients by the new regulation of criminal liability of legal persons and we have developed during these last years an important specialization in economic crimes.
- Legal advice and judicial assistance in criminal matters.
- Special attention to foreigners charged by the Spanish prosecutor’s office.
- Representation and defense of victims of crimes in front of Spanish courts.
- Advice on extradition requests between Spain, and France or the United Kingdom.
- Corporate crimes. Criminal Law of the company. Criminal Compliance and crime prevention plan.
- Crimes against the patrimony and against the socioeconomic order.
- Money laundering.
- Crimes against the Public Administration and against the Administration of Justice.
- Crimes against the Public Treasury and Social Security.
- Crimes against health and safety at work.
- Environmental crimes.
- Crimes against the market and consumers.
The moralisation of society entails an important development of the criminal regulation and its litigation.